
In atomic theory and quantum mechanics, an atomic orbital is a mathematical function that describes the wave-like behavior of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom. Can you correctly identify these orbitals to win?


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4d 3s 2s 5p 3d
2p 5p 3p 5s 2p
4d 2p Unbound
4p 4d
4s 1s 3d 4f 4f
2s 5p 3s 3p 4s


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Bingo Gameplay

Every team will start with a chart and a game card.

At the beginning of each around - you are presented with a diagram

From this diagram you must decide if any of the orbitals on your card corresponds to this diagram, circle that orbital. Use the provided chart to help decide.

There are 3 possible win conditions, first team to complete a diagonal, one vertical and one horizontal wins a prize. One per team

All materials below are dynamically generated. Every "Print" page will generate a new card/sheet.
Hit "Refresh" on your browser in the print page to generate a brand new set of cards/activities.

Bingo Cards

Below is an example of a game sheet for each player

4f 4f 3p 2s 3d
3s 3d 4d 3p 3s
4p 4p Unbound
3d 2p
2p 5p 4p 1s 5p
2p 4s 5p 4s 5s

Activity Sheets

Below is an example of a game sheet for each player



3s 5p 2p 5s 4f
4p 2p 4f 5s 3p
3d 4d Unbound
4p 3s
3d 2s 3d 4s 4d
4s 5p 2p 5p 1s

Instructions: Your instructor will show you a series of orbital boundary surfaces, as well as their associated radial probability distribution functions (RDFs). Work within your groups to determine the identity of the orbital, and document your results on the table provided below.

If a given orbital is present on your 5 x 5 BingOrbitals card, place a token on the space(s) containing that particular orbital. (Note: a given orbital may appear MORE THAN ONCE on your card, and there is a “free space” in the middle of your BingOrbitals card.card with the designation “unbound state;” This is your “free space.”)

If your group’s card has tokens on five consecutive spaces in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal orientation, announce out loud that you have you have achieved BingOrbital!

Use the below “worksheet” to assist determining what orbital is being represented Announce, out loud, if this is the case and your instructor(s) or TI(s) will provide a reward.