All particles (including electron) have wave-like property, and there is a wave function associated with the particle. In quantum mechanics, the wave function Ψ gives a complete description of the wavelike property of the electron. A stationary wave function Ψ is most naturally expressed in spherical coordinates (r, ѳ, φ). Ψ can be written as a product of the radial part (R) and the angular part (Y).
Ψ (r, ѳ, φ) = R(r) ·Y (ѳ, φ) (hydrogen wave function)
Ψ of the electron in a hydrogenic atom can be found by solving the Schrödinger equation. The solutions to the Schrödinger equation are a set of possible wave functions (ψ), corresponding to a set of orbitals.
HΨ = Eψ (Schrödinger equation)
In general, the wavefunction ψ of an electron turns out to be complex function and does not have direct physical interpretation. Instead, we consider the real quantity |ψ|2 , which when evaluated at a specific point is the probability of finding the electron at that point in space. |ψ|2 represents probability density - the probability of finding the electron in unit volume. An orbital is usually illustrated by a contour surface enclosing 90% of the electron probability.
An orbital node, or more formally ‘nodal surface’, is a 2-dimensional surface where the value of the orbital, as well as the probability density (square of the wave function) vanishes, not including r=0 or r=∞.
The solutions to the Schrödinger equation are a set of possible wave functions (ψ), corresponding to a set of orbitals. Each wave function is specified by a set of three interrelated integers - quantum numbers.
The principal quantum number (n) determines the overall size and energy of an orbital for the hydrogen atom. The allowed values are n = 1, 2, 3, ……
Select “Hydrogen” to view orbitals up to n=8. Select any other element in the first six periods to view the occupied atomic orbitals, whose radial wavefunction is approximated by hydrogenenic wavefunction with element- and orbital-dependent effective nuclear charge (Zeff).
Radial wave function R(r) is a separable part of the Ψ (r, ѳ, φ) that only depends on the distance r from the nucleus. It describes the wave-like property of the electron along r.
The quantity of R(r)·R(r) gives the radial probability density of the electron --the probability for the electron to be found at a point with a distance from the nucleus is r.
Radial probability, also known as radial distribution function (RDF), is the probability of finding the electron within an infinitely thin shell of sphere with radius of r and nucleus as the center. The area of the sphere with radius r is 4πr2, so the probability within that spherical shell is 4πr2 · |ψ|2. As the value of RDF only depends on r, it can be found by only evaluating the radial part of the wave function. RDF is given by r2·|R(r)|2. Please note that 4π is dropped here so that RDF integrates to 1 over all distance r.
The electron must be somewhere around the nuclear, so the integration of the radial distribution function (RDF) from the nuclear to infinity should be 1, which means: